We’re all on the look-out for the next bargain aren’t we? Whether at home or in work, as an individual or for the family, wherever you are the chances are you’ll be inundated with special offers and bargain prices; on the TV, radio and out on the street.

This is no different when it comes to commercial chemical supplies – you might be led to believe that what you’re looking at is incredible value at a really low price, but in all honesty is that really true???

Isn’t it better to spend a little more money on a specialist commercial chemical that you know will perform the task admirably and when spread over total usage will save you money?

Is a Cheaper Product Really Better Value?

It’s easy to think only about your budget when it comes to chemical cleaning supplies, especially if you are a start-up business or small firm with little leeway to make a mistake on a company purchase. We understand that there are small margins but here are a few reasons why you should consider paying that little bit more initially on a commercial cleaning chemical rather than the shiny product with the cheapest price tag you can pick up from the corner shop.

A commercial cleaning chemical will:

The positives far outweigh the negatives in terms of time, money and your personal energy. Why risk buying something that on the surface seems like good value, but could potentially damage the surfaces you are trying to clean, take up extra time as you have to put more elbow grease into an effective clean and use more product to get that gleaming end result we all crave.

The 99.9% Question!

One trick that you’ll see again and again on cleaning products is the line “Promises to kill 99.9% of all bacteria on surfaces”. Now, on the face of it this does look impressive of course, but when you think about the sheer numbers involved when you are talking about bacteria, and the speed with which they multiply, 99.9% doesn’t even begin to touch the surface of the problem.

What you’ll receive with a highly developed cleaning product made for commercial purposes, is a threat to 99.999% of harmful germs and bacteria on surfaces you are cleaning. In industries involving hospitality and food production this can make a huge difference and makes you realise the benefits of choosing a knowledgeable supplier with high quality products, as opposed to the quickest and cheapest cleaning chemical you can find on the shelf and which you’ve seen on your television set at home.

Industrial Cleaning Supplies Provide Quality & Value

At APT Chemicals we understand the pressures involved in buying bulk commercial chemical supplies – you’ve got to think about the bottom line for your business but with a slight tweak of your mindset away from what the everyday marketer wants you to see and you’ll discover the real value comes with purchasing industrial chemical cleaning supplies from a source you can trust.

We have experience in developing commercial cleaning chemicals that are real value for money, coming in as little as 0.03p per litre in some cases. And with our knowledge we can advise on the right commercial cleaning chemicals for your specific requirements. All you have to do is ask and our customer service team will be happy to help.