A rapidly spreading cold or flu virus can have a significant affect on workforce productivity. With staff either taking off sick days or unable to perform at their best, a virus can cause a host of problems. Preventing the spread of winter germs is key to minimizing the impact this has on your staff, customers and ultimately, your business.
Protect Your Staff With Hand Santisers
Viruses can quickly spread from the hands onto various surfaces, such as door handles and equipment. Keeping hands free from germs will help to prevent them spreading from person to person. To achieve this staff and customers should be encouraged to regularly wash their hands. Additionally, they should have easy access to hand sanitising gel and/or soap.
Steri Gel is a hospital grade hand sanitiser and hard surface cleaner, killing all gram + and gram — bacteria. It can be used as a wash with water, but can also be left to dry on the hands naturally.
Keep Hard Surfaces Free From Germs
Sani-wipes are ideal for quickly and effectively cleaning and killing winter germs on hard surfaces. They can also be used safely on hands, equipment, telephones, door handles and plastics.
Steri Gel and Sani-Wipes are both available at APT Commercial Chemicals. We have a range of products specifically formulated to help prevent the spread of winter germs – find out more by visiting the website - aptcommercialchemicals.co.uk/winter-essentials